

TMB-N transparent inner packing machine (suitable for packing playing card and card)

 Transparent film inner packing machine (suitable for packing playing card and card) 

 Packaging speed: 20-110 bags/min     stepless speed regulation    

 Packing material: BOPP film, BOPP stay.

        Transparent film BOPP

        Drawstring: strong tensile strength, breaking strength is not less than 10N, adhesive sticker is used as material.

                   Air supply and air supply requirements:

      Power supply:

                          ● Voltage                                380volt±10%

                          ● Frequency                                 50Hz

                          ●Total power                               3.6KW

       Air supply: compressed air

                          ●Pressure                            >0.60Mpa

                          ●Flow                            >12m³/h

                          Production environment:

                          ●  Environment temperature                      25±5℃

                          ●  Relative humidity                     45%~65%

                          ●  Altitude                      <2000m

                          ●  Dust content of air                   <3mg/m³

                     Packing specification: (length*width*height)  length 70-100mm width 42-62mm height 12-32mm

                     Heat sealing temperature: 130~200℃adjustable

 Total power: 4.71KW(main motor: 0.55KW, conveyor motor: 0.18KW, beautifier motor: 0.18KW, thermal appliance: 3.8KW)

Turning radius of scudding knife: R=36mm     Turning radius of pull cutter: R=36mm

Size: 3530mm x 760mm x 1819mm

Weight: 700 kg

马公市| 津南区| 怀集县| 山东省| 莱阳市| 个旧市| 瑞安市| 托克托县| 三门峡市| 宣恩县| 横峰县| 阳城县| 永泰县| 搜索| 英吉沙县| 瓮安县| 通州区| 渝中区| 镇安县| 株洲市| 永宁县| 于都县| 五指山市| 沁水县| 新干县| 桦南县| 汕尾市| 威远县| 东兴市| 卢湾区| 迁西县| 龙江县| 安泽县| 扶绥县| 邢台市| 西安市| 舒兰市| 图片| 卢湾区| 民县| 闵行区|